Monday, April 29, 2024

Dive into the wonders of tea tree essential oil


Dive into the wonders of tea tree essential oil

A natural gem for your beauty

Join us in the captivating world of tea tree oil with BioProGreen! Over the centuries, this precious plant essence has made its mark in history with its invaluable benefits for skin and hair. Today, we are proud to continue this tradition by offering our own tea tree oil, derived from ancestral wisdom and modern expertise. Discover with us the origins and multiple uses of this treasure of nature.

The five main benefits of tea tree oil

·         Antiseptic action: Tea tree oil is known for its antiseptic properties, which help to fight the bacteria responsible for skin imperfections such as acne and pimples.

·         Anti-inflammatory: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, this essential oil helps to soothe skin irritations and reduce redness.

·         Antifungal: Tea tree oil is effective against fungi responsible for skin infections such as athlete's foot and fungal infections.

·         Soothing for the scalp: Due to its soothing properties, this oil is ideal for calming scalp itchiness and fighting dandruff.

·         Stimulates hair growth: By promoting blood circulation at the scalp level, tea tree oil helps to stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.

Five ways to use tea tree oil in the cosmetics industry:

·         Facial cleanser: Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular facial cleanser to benefit from its purifying properties.

·         Anti-acne treatment: Apply a drop of tea tree oil locally on imperfections to dry them out and accelerate their healing.

·         Hair mask: Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with your hair mask to soothe the scalp and eliminate dandruff.

·         Skin tonic: Dilute tea tree oil in water to create a natural tonic that purifies the skin and tightens pores.

·         Nail treatment: Apply a drop of tea tree oil on the nails to prevent fungal infections and keep nails healthy.

List of active ingredients in tea tree essential oil:

·         Terpineol: Terpineol is an organic compound present in tea tree essential oil that has antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to combat bacteria, soothe skin irritations, and promote wound healing.

·         Terpinen-4-ol: Terpinen-4-ol is one of the main constituents of tea tree essential oil, known for its powerful antimicrobial properties. It is effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses, making it a key ingredient in the treatment of various skin conditions, including acne and fungal infections.

·         Alpha-terpinene: Alpha-terpinene is a compound naturally present in tea tree essential oil that contributes to its antiseptic and antifungal properties. It helps to eliminate harmful microorganisms and purify the skin, while providing a fresh and clean sensation.


Gamma-terpinene: Gamma-terpinene is another compound present in tea tree essential oil, which acts as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. It helps to fight skin infections, reduce inflammation, and relieve irritations, thus contributing to healthier and more balanced skin.

·         1,8-cineole: 1,8-cineole, also known as eucalyptol, is a monoterpene present in tea treeessential oil. It has antiseptic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a valuable ingredient in the treatment of respiratory conditions, as well as in skin care products for its purifying and soothing effects.

A story about our product

Imagine a majestic tree, the Melaleuca alternifolia, standing proudly in the heart of the wild nature of Australia. For centuries, the indigenous peoples used the leaves of this tree for their healing properties. Inspired by this ancestral wisdom, we carefully extracted the essence of these leaves to create our BioProGreen tea tree oil. Each drop of this precious oil is a tribute to nature and its gifts for our well-being.

Tea tree oil, known for its medicinal virtues, is extracted from the narrow leaves of the Melaleucaalternifolia, a tree native to Australia. Here is a little story about this elixir of nature.

In the remote village of Mirrabooka, legend has it that for centuries, local healers used a miraculous potion to heal wounds and combat diseases. It was tea tree oil, a well-kept secret among the village elders.

One day, a young girl named Alira, fascinated by the healing powers of the oil, decided to find out how it was produced. Her grandfather, a respected healer, took her to the dense forest where the precious trees grew. He showed her how to delicately pick the leaves, respecting the plant and the balance of nature.

Alira learned to distill the leaves to extract the pure essence. The process required patience and precision, but the result was a clear and powerful oil. Fascinated by this gift of nature, Alira became an expert in the manufacture of the oil, and her talent for healing grew day by day.

Years later, when an epidemic struck the village, Alira was ready. She distributed the tea tree oil to each family, teaching them how to use it to disinfect and speed up healing. Thanks to her efforts, the village overcame the crisis faster than expected.

Grateful for the knowledge passed on by her grandfather, Alira committed to teaching others the secrets of tea tree oil. Her dedication not only preserved this ancestral tradition but also shared it with the world, bringing a bit of the magic of Mirrabooka far beyond its borders.










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Thursday, April 25, 2024

✨ Discover the secrets of cypress essential oil ✨

 Discover the secrets of cypress essential oil: A natural treasure for beauty and well-being

Essential oils have long been appreciated for their many health and beauty benefits. Among these, cypress essential oil stands out for its unique and versatile properties. In this article, we'll explore the many benefits of this precious oil, as well as five ways to use it in the cosmetics industry. 

Once upon a time, in the depths of an ancient forest, a majestic cypress stood proudly among its peers. Its rough bark told the story of centuries past, while its branches stretched skywards like fingers reaching for the stars. At the foot of this venerable tree, a spring gushed forth, fed by the pure waters of the surrounding mountains. It was here that the forest's best-kept secret resided: the precious essence of cypress, captured in every drop of oil that escaped from the vibrant leaves.

The forest's inhabitants had long been aware of the virtues of this sacred oil. Ancient healers used it to soothe ailments of the body and mind, while nature lovers were intoxicated by its bewitching fragrance on their morning walks.

One day, a young girl from the neighbouring village came to meet the cypress. Tormented by the worries of modern life, she sought refuge in the age-old wisdom of nature. Guided by a gentle wind, she discovered the majestic tree and felt her heart soothe at its touch.

The young girl knelt down by the spring and gathered a few drops of cypress oil in the palm of her hand. She rubbed them gently against her temples, letting the woody fragrance envelop her senses. Instantly, she felt a deep calm descend upon her, banishing the torments of her mind. From that day on, the young girl returned regularly to the foot of the cypress tree, drawing on her treasure trove of serenity whenever she felt the need. In time, she shared the benefits of cypress oil with her community, bringing a healing balm to those who needed it.

And so the story of cypress oil continued to live on, carrying with it echoes of a time when people lived in harmony with nature. And whenever a soul sought refuge in the arms of the forest, it found in this precious oil a faithful companion on its journey to inner peace.

Five main benefits of cypress essential oil 

Improved blood circulation 

💢Cypress essential oil is renowned for its stimulating properties that promote blood circulation. This can help reduce the appearance of varicose veins and relieve heavy legs.


 Skin care

Thanks to its astringent and antibacterial properties, cypress essential oil is ideal for oily, blemish-prone skin. It helps to regulate sebum production and purify the skin.

Respiratory decongestant

Cypress essential oil is effective for clearing the airways and   relieving congestion caused by colds or allergies. 

Emotional support

😍It is often used in aromatherapy to promote emotional stability and feelings of security.

Stress relief

💆Its fresh, woody fragrance has a calming effect on the mind, making it an excellent natural remedy for reducing stress and anxiety. 

Five ways to use cypress essential oil in the cosmetics industry 

In skin care products

- Cypress essential oil is a valuable ingredient in skin care products. It has astringent and antibacterial properties that help regulate sebum production, purify the skin and reduce the appearance of skin imperfections.

In hair care

- Used in shampoos, conditioners and hair masks, Cypress essential oil helps to tone the scalp, stimulate blood circulation and revitalise dull, tired hair.

In anti-cellulite products  

- Thanks to its circulation-stimulating properties, Cypress essential oil is a key ingredient in anti-cellulite products. It helps reduce the appearance of cellulite by promoting lymphatic drainage and improving skin firmness.

In bath and spa products

- Adding cypress essential oil to bath salts, shower gels and body lotions creates a relaxing and invigorating experience. Its woody, refreshing fragrance soothes the mind and relieves muscular tension, providing a truly relaxing experience.

In natural perfumery products

-Because of its fresh, aromatic scent, cypress essential oil is a popular ingredient in the manufacture of natural perfumes and deodorants. It adds a woody, earthy note, providing a subtle, enchanting fragrance while offering natural antibacterial properties.

By incorporating cypress essential oil into your cosmetics range, you can offer your customers the benefits of this precious essence, while adding a touch of luxury and authenticity to your brand.

List of active ingredients in Cypress essential oil


Alpha-pinene is one of the main constituents of cypress essential oil. It belongs to the monoterpene family and has a fresh, woody aroma. This compound is known for its antiseptic, expectorant and decongestant properties. It is often used in aromatherapy to relieve respiratory problems such as coughs and congestion.


3-carene is another monoterpene found in cypress essential oil. It has a sweet, resinous aroma. It is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. In cosmetics, 3-carene is used for its toning effects on the skin and its ability to relieve tired or aching muscles.


D-limonene is a terpenoid found in many essential oils, including cypress essential oil. It has a lemony aroma and is widely used for its cleansing and refreshing properties. In cosmetics, D-limonene is used as a purifying agent for the skin and hair, as well as a natural fragrance in skincare products.


Cedrol is a sesquiterpene found in significant quantities in cypress essential oil. It has a woody, spicy aroma and is known for its soothing and relaxing properties. Cedrol is often used in aromatherapy to promote calm and relaxation, as well as for its beneficial effects on the skin, particularly in anti-ageing and soothing products.

Alpha-Terpineol Acetate

Alpha-terpineol acetate is an ester found in cypress essential oil. It has a soft, floral fragrance and is appreciated for its soothing and regenerating properties for the skin. In cosmetics, alpha-terpineol acetate is often used in creams and lotions to soothe skin irritations and promote healing.

Finally, Cypress essential oil stands out not only for its bewitching aroma, but also for its many cosmetic benefits. Rich in active compounds, it is a precious ally for skin health, offering astringent, toning and purifying properties. Used regularly in skincare routines, cypress oil can help to tighten pores, improve circulation and reduce the appearance of varicose veins and cellulite. Its soothing action is also ideal for calming irritated skin or skin prone to redness. So Cypress essential oil is much more than just a fragrance ingredient; it's a beauty essence that, when used correctly, can naturally transform and revitalise the appearance of the skin.



How can I get samples?

We offer free samples, but new customers will need to pay courier fees. These fees can be deducted from the official order payment. You can arrange an RPI service through FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc.

How does your factory ensure quality?

We place great importance on the quality of our products. Every worker ensures quality control from the beginning to the end of the manufacturing process using only environmentally friendly raw materials. Additionally, a dedicated quality control department is responsible for checking at each step of the process.

Can you print my logo on the goods?

Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packaging box. However, to protect patents, you need to provide an authorization letter. Generally, we produce goods based on customer samples or on the basis of images, logos, sizes, etc.


About BioProGreen

BioPro Green

N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem, Route de Safi, 40 000 Marrakech , MOROCCO

Tel:+212 524 335 449

MOB:+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / Viber)

Fax:+212 524 457 961




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